Before we finalize everything... one more question:

Would you like personalized, 1-on-1 writing support for your child?

Add private writing sessions with one of our experienced coaches — perfect for beginners who want to grow quickly or advanced students who need more support. 

Add Extra Support
No, Thank You

YWW is a fantastic community, and it's great to have your child as a new member of the family!  

However, while a community environment is important, so is laser-targeted feedback.

There's nothing more helpful than having an experienced writer look at your child's work and point out where they can improve as well as what they did well. 

When they're working in a small group or one-on-one with a mentor, their growth will skyrocket.

We've gathered a group of skilled Christian teachers who will tutor your child, meet them where they are, and help them improve their writing by leaps and bounds.  

Each week, they'll meet with their teacher to review their work and learn how to improve their craft.  

This can be student-led or teacher-led… which means if there's something your child wants to work on (such as their current book or short story) they can.  

Or, if your child prefers having someone take the reins, they can follow a more structured approach, guided by their teacher. 

What Students Are Saying:

"My writing was good, but not great, and I knew I needed to do something to take it to the next level. Working with my teacher has improved my writing dramatically."

CHELSEA, Student 

"I learned nitty-gritty stuff that I was lacking in my writing, like not head jumping, avoiding punctuation errors, and building stronger characters." 

RACHEL, Student 

"My teacher helped me realize that my writing will be a lot better if I outline. It was awesome getting real, personal feedback that was meant for me." 

ALABAMA, Student 

Add more personalized guidance to your child's YWW experience to supercharge their growth.

Adding private writing lessons will give your child:

  • A hand-picked writing coach to give them personal feedback and encouragement on their writing.
  • A stronger grasp of the fundamentals good storytelling with the ability to apply those concepts to their own stories. 
  • Much higher confidence in their ability to edit their own writing, receive constructive feedback from others, and finish their projects.

How Does This Work?

Select Your Plan

Choose between private lessons, group lessons, or simply auditing the program.

Pick Your Teacher

We'll give you recommendations for our best available teachers for you to choose between.

Start Your Lessons

We'll connect you with your chosen teacher to schedule your first lesson and get started. 

Choose Your Plan

Save 20% with Annual Billing

Monthly Plans
Annual Discount


Listen in on group lessons and critiques for $7 per session.


Add To Membership
  • Group instruction on the fundamentals of good writing.
  • Instructor critiques and discussion.
  • Q&A time during each session.
  • Low pressure option for busy young writers.


Group lessons with instructor critique for $13 per session.


  • Up to 2,000 words critiqued per month by their instructor.
  • Group instruction on the fundamentals of good writing.
  • Instructor critiques and discussion.
  • Q&A time during each session.
  • Sustainable pace for busy young writers.


1-on-1 lessons and instructor critique for $25 per session.


  • Up to 8,000 words critiqued per month by their instructor.
  • 1-on-1 instruction tailored to their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Weekly access to their instructor for feedback, encouragement, and accountability.
  • Flexible schedule for busy young writers.

Extra Support = A Big Difference

"Being able to bounce ideas around with a more experienced writer and talk through pros and cons was invaluable!"

MADISON, Student 

"My teacher taught me how to structure and outline and that has helped me to be more organized both in my mind and in my writing." 

SADIE, Student 

"The writing critiques and practical suggestions I've received are the most helpful part of this program." 

LIZETTE, Student 

Can't Afford Our Cheapest Plan? Use Our Pay-What-You-Can Policy

  • Auditing lessons is open to everyone! 
  • Can't afford the regular price? We'll let you register for less.
  • Single mom? Missionary family? Unemployed? Let us bless you.
  • Register at the price you can afford — down to $0.
View Pay-What-You-Can Options

Your child will be a stronger, more confident writer... Guaranteed.

  • Show Up For Every Lesson And Complete Their Homework.
  • End Up Feeling Like A Stronger And More Confident Writer.
  • Or We'll Refund Your Money... Every Single Penny.

If your child does the work and doesn't make meaningful progress within the first two months, we'll refund your money. We want to take the risk so they can just focus on growing as a writer — stress free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions Parents Ask Before Saying "Yes"

How is this different than YWW?

Personalized writing instruction with an experienced coach is an additional service that can be added to any YWW membership.

They key difference is more personalized guidance and feedback.  

Writing lessons provide individualized attention and writing instruction, while the Young Writer's Workshop provides the benefits of community and a self-paced learning library of lessons.

How do these lessons work?

The first step is to select your plan. We offer three options to fit different student's goals. You can choose between private lessons, group lessons, or simply auditing the program. Click here for more details.

Once you've selected your plan, our program director will reach out to you via email with personalized teacher recommendations based on your child's specific strengths and weaknesses.

Once you've selected your teacher, they'll reach out to you via email to arrange the details of your child's first lesson. Lessons will take place over either video or audio (depending on your chid's preference) and are 30-45 minutes long. 

Students who sign up for either Private or Group Lessons will receive personalized instruction and feedback, while auditing students will be able to listen in and ask questions during group discussion and Q&A periods.

How do I know if my child is ready for this?

Young Writer Lessons are a good fit for any students between the ages of nine and twenty-five who love writing stories and would like more personalized guidance and feedback. 

We serve beginners, intermediate, and advanced writers and match each student with a teacher who best fits their goals and current level of experience. 

What can my child expect to learn?

For their first month in the program we'll focus on the core building blocks of storytelling like characters, plot, and theme. This focus on the fundamentals is invaluable for beginners and will also help experienced writers diagnose exactly where they need to grow.

Starting in the second month they'll receive personal critique from their instructor with specific things they need to work on. They'll learn how to get past writer's block, use an outline, tackle the editing process, and apply writing concepts to an actual story.

Starting in month three, they'll work with their teacher to apply what they've learned about characters, plot, and theme to their current "work-in-progress" or start a brand new novel or novella. This comprises the bulk of the program and is where they'll begin to see the most progress in their writing.

What is your refund policy for this program?

Your investment is covered by a 60-Day, "Do The Work" Guarantee. If your child shows up for their lessons, completes their assignments, and isn't satisfied with their experience, simply email us and we'll make it right. You'll have the choice between switching teachers or receiving a prompt refund.

How much time does it take?

PRIVATE LESSONS: In addition to their half-hour session with their teacher, private lesson students should budget about 2-3 hours per week to spend reviewing instructor comments, revising their stories, and actually writing. 

GROUP LESSONS: In addition to their half-hour sessions with their teacher, group lesson students should buget about 2-3 hours per month to spend reviewing instructor comments and revising their stories.

AUDIT LESSONS: There are no time requirements for auditing students besides attending lessons. Of course, they are welcome to spend as much time as they like applying what they are learning to their own writing projects.

Give your child the advantage of a personal writing teacher!